Another Load of Sweatshirts Arrive!

Another load of sweatshirts arrive at Ad-America

While day temperatures in West Michigan have been hovering in the 70s, the night temps have been dropping to the 40s. That means cooler temps in the evenings and the need for sweatshirts! “Fleece” in the industry jargon. This semi arrived this morning at Ad-America to drop off a load of sweatshirts. Hey, we’d like to see this every morning! Now might be a good time to consider fleece products for your company or non-profit. I hear it’s still going to be cold in Michigan for a few months yet. The two most popular fleece products are “Hoodies” (hooded sweatshirts) and the standard crewneck sweatshirts. They both come in a variety of price points and weights of cotton, so you should be able to find a style that meets your quality and budget. If you’d like to talk options, just call and ask for Ingrid.